Category: Nutrition

Boost Your Physical Performance with High-Quality Proteins Apr10th 2021

Boost Your Physical Performance with High-Quality Proteins

Have You Added High-Quality Proteins to Your Diet Yet? Protein is a necessary nutrient for maintaining high levels of physical function. If you’re a dedicated athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone who is simply trying to become more active, your protein intake plays a key role in your physical performance. There are many factors of

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Proper Nutrition Can Reduce Pain and Inflammation Dec10th 2020

Proper Nutrition Can Reduce Pain and Inflammation

Are We Really What We Eat? If you’re seeing a physical therapist already for internal inflammation, then you already know that this is a condition that can seriously affect your overall health. Whether you have a specific diagnosis for your inflammation (such as osteoarthritis) or you’re not entirely sure what’s causing your pain in your

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Nutrition May10th 2019

Reducing Inflammation with the Right Nutritional Fuels

Does your daily life revolve around chronic pain or inflammation? While this is a common everyday roadblock that many people experience, there are actually some simple ways to avoid it. It is no secret that exercise is a crucial part of any physical therapy regimen, but fueling your body with nutritional meals also plays an

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