Category: Aches & Pain

Opioid dependence Feb20th 2020

Do You Depend on Opiods to Keep You Moving? Understand how PT can Kick Your Opioid Dependence.

Do you rely on drugs such as oxycodone or hydrocodone to help you get through your day without agonizing pain? Do you worry that these drugs may be placing your health at unacceptable risk? Do you feel anxious or count the minutes until your next dosage of these pain relievers regardless of that risk? If

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aches and pains Sep20th 2018

Feeling Stiff and Achy? Physical Therapy Can Help!

Everyone wakes up feeling some pain in their joints or muscles from time to time. But if you find yourself consistently waking up stiff and achy, it might be time for pain-relief work with a physical therapist. Aching or stiff joints may be a minor problem that is easily remedied; in other cases, your doctor

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stimuli Jan10th 2018

Where Is Your Pain Coming From?

No matter your age, aches and pains can take the joy out of life’s activities. Whether it’s sore knees after taking a job, or a stiff back while getting out of bed, determining the true cause of the pain can seem frustrating if not impossible. Since pain is the body’s response to a wide variety

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